Rotary Club of Marana
 Dr. Peter Mack led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. President Hunter did not seek thoughts of the day from members, obviously learning from past experiences in solicitation in this regard. He did do a shout out to Charlie Benner who is growing like a weed.
A request was made to members to remain afterwards if they had input for the Tour de Cookie scheduled for 3/9/2019. This is our MAJOR fund raiser that enables us to do the various good deeds we do in this country and overseas. Everyone needs to get involved. Those who can might volunteer to distribute flyers to bicycle shops and help out on Sunday mornings at the Farmers Market from 8:30 to noon the next six or seven weeks.
 Dan announced a Poker Tournament for Friday February 15th to be held at Vision Church off Silverbell south of Cortaro Rd. Dan has organized several of these for our Club's benefit. With a decent turnout we can net a thousand or more. Please share the flyer with friends and family when it becomes available in a few days.
Discussion of a Club social the 29th of this month as it is the 5th Tuesday of January. Several ideas tossed out by members, but Top Golf seemed to be a popular idea. Since they were a sponsor of Tour de Cookie last year they might offer us a "deal". Tony to check it out and report next week.
RLI "College of Rotary Knowledge" will be offered 1/26/2019. Location to be at The Viscount Suite Hotel on Broadway. The $65 cost of attendance, which includes continental breakfast and lunch is paid by the Club. Richie Benner has signed up and others are encouraged to do so. Registration information is on District 5500 Website or speak with Randy Brooks for additional information. 
Denise West reports her purse being stolen at COSTCO when a man approached her as she was entering her car. With this distraction her purse was taken from inside her car. There have been multiple reports of this happening at COSTCO.
Rachel Cheeseman reports she too had this happen at Target a couple of weeks ago.
Happy Bucks
John-Happy to have Dan Contorno in our club. He is the main cog in our Tour de Cookie and Poker Tournament fundraisers.
Don-Thanks, Dan
Randy-Thanks, Dan
John Z-Thanks, Dan
Harold-Thanks, Dan
Mary-Thanks, Dan
Peter-Thanks, Dan
Well, you get the idea.
Also, Denise happy her jewelry was not taken
Rachel-Her friend elected to Amphi School Board
There were others that I just missed.
Joke Off
 Maeve-Patient goes to the Doc with carrots in his nose and broccoli in his ears. Doc immediately sizes up the situation and says, "I see the problem, you are not eating correctly". (I actually laughed at this simple humor) 
 Lynne-Three football Cardinal fans bemoaning thier team's dismal 2018 record. "I blame management" says the first. "I blame the players." announces the second. "I blame my parents." proclaims the third. If I had been born in Boston I would be a Patriots fan. (Truth demands that I report, as in most of her jokes, Lynne enjoyed her humor today as much OR more so than did her audience.Must be nice to have a Boston connection)
Based on the visual imagery of the patient ( and hatred of the Yankees, er, Pats) I "give" this one to Maeve.
John won AGAIN and lost AGAIN with four of hearts.
Guest speakers today were Bonnie Dudelston, Cemetery Administrator for AZ Veterans Memorial Cemetery at Marana and Tom Shambo. Board Member of the AZ Veterans Memorial Cemetery Foundation-Marana.
Bonnie played a video from in an effort to provide an historical perspective up to the present of the Veteran's Memorial Cemetery program. Land donated by the Kai family enabled the cemetery to open 3/14/2016. Funding to the tune of 7.6 million was required to prepare the land as a cemetery. Money for the daily management comes from the AZ Department of Veterans Services and the local AZ Veteran's Memorial Cemetery Foundation.
There have been 1,486 veterans interred in the past three years and there are 1,800 pre-registered, including our speaker Tom Shambo. The facility is designed to accommodate up to six burials a day with each having a twenty minute ceremony.
For additional information see the website above or or
Corrections or comments are appreciated. My attempts to report humorously AND accurately  sometimes go astray.
 Your Scribe,
John Dooling, Club Secretary