Photo:  Rotarians with Peter Salk and Polio survivor, Wendy and her Service dog, Oreo

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                      THE SHOT FELT ROUND THE WORLD         

           PDG Jim Aslin arranged to get to get the documentary that was filmed in 2005 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the breakthrough that stopped the spread of polio in this country.  University of Pittsburgh professor Carl Kurlander and his students produced this amazing film after filming more than thirty hours of interviews with people who played key roles in the creation of the vaccine. 

Peter Salk, son of the creator of the vaccine, Jonas, was the VIP guest along with John Blount, Rotarian and Director of Rotary International for 2009 to 2011.  They participated in a question and answer session along with Minnie, president of Polio Epic.

The event was great and it was wonderful to learn how the journey of ending Polio started. President of Rotaract, Erika Asmar the newest (and youngest) Rotarian encouraged us all to remind young people of the devastation that was and that not being diligent and vaccinating another epidemic is always possible.


 The event raised over $9400 after expenses.  $1500 will go to the Salk Foundation and the rest to PolioPlus.

Erika had never seen an Iron Lung 
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