Rotary Club of Marana
                  Those arriving early were entertained by yours truly standing on a chair then a stool for the entertainment of president Holt.
Speaking of our President she went out of her way to touch Peter Mack following The Pledge. Denise West then gave us food for thought quoting the self deceased Kurt Cobain "Wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are."
President Jo then explained the revised District grant and advised we had the "green Light" for the changes from the district. 
 Lynne Himmer presented a check to Executive Director  of the Marana Food Bank, Linda Hampton. The check of $723 added to $150 already donated earlier this year comes to  a total of $873. This money will provide over 3,000 meals.
Tomorrow volunteers at the Marana/Picture Rocks Food bank will be Randy, Jo, Denise and Richie.
District Conference starts Friday and we will be giving out Rotary cookies made by Copper Creek.
Cotton Festival 10/21/2017 and we will be working the beer tent from 5 to 9. Maybe we could use a few more volunteers. Working with Dove Mtn club.
Mole Day-Moles are small mammals adapted to a subterranean lifestyle. They have cylindrical bodies, velvety fur, very small, inconspicuous ears and eyes, reduced hindlimbs and short, powerful forelimbs with large paws adapted for digging. Wikipedia
Apparently when ground up you may express the number of atoms, ions or any other elementary entities in the sample by Avogardo's number 6.0225 X 10 to the 23rd. Ergo 10/23 is Mole Day. Thanks, Jo.
Speaking of harming our animal friends Tony Hunter was one dollar happy to have split up a fawn from it's mother over the weekend. Among many happy people in attendance were John, Joe, Don, Lori, Peter (created a feintspectrophotomasstrigoncosineometer for the Egyptians), Denise, Randy(crossed off the movie Fitzcarraldo from his bucket list), and Richie. 
Randy won and lost. Lynne was so exhausted tired weekend she could not climb stairs or
 Lori Malangone, club member, was our speaker. As Executive Director of Arizona Youth Partnership she was well versed on the subject matter, AZYP. Lori began with AZYP program following a short stint as a teacher and working for a title company. She has spent 12 years with them, the last four as Executive Director. They have offices in eight Arizona cities. AZYP was founded in 1990 to ensure the more rural areas of the state had resources similar to those available in the City of Tucson. Their mission is to cultivate healthy foundations for youth and promote strong families. They support numerous programs for youth including Healthy Relationship Education for 6th to 12th graders, Drug and Alcohol education including a tour of Banner University Medical Center to see first hand the ravages of drugs and alcohol, Stronger Families for parents and care givers with children in the 10 to 14 age range, Homeless Youth Shelters in Kingman and Bullhead City offer 30 days of temporary shelter to homeless and runaway boys and girls.
Lori shared with us an exercise in which  we all learned how uncoordinated Mary is and how difficult it is for all teens to keep educational goals, alcohol/drug/parties and dawning of sexual urges in relative perspective as they prepare for adulthood. Goals from our grade school days such as becoming a journalist, a physical therapist, an algebra teacher or even Paul McCartney's wife can be adversely affected by influences unrelated to the goal.
Nice job Lori, I concur with Jo, you would have made a fine teacher.