Sally Montagne was a very welcomed visitor.  She is the governor elect for 2014.     Image

On Octobrt 29th we will adjourn early to go deliver dictionaries to 3rd graders in the Marana disticrict.

We met our MCAT student of Imagethe month Dakota Coffin accompanied by his father Trans Coffin.  He was introduced by Denise Coronado a teacher at MCAT.

Dakota is recognized for his friendliness,  dedication and his focus on his direction.  He was not a good student during his first two years of high school.  In his junior year he made a decision to change his direction.  He wants to be a good citizen in his community.  Congratulations Dakota for changing your direction .

Last week we heard about youth at risk.  This week we heard about refugees.  Which is worse having no home or having no country to feel is your home.

Our speaker was Marge Pellegrino project manager for Hopi foundation.

Last week we heard about homeless youths.  How would you like to have a home that  you cannot identify with or understand. 

This foundation helps refugees from all over the world.  It is called the Owl and Panther.  "The creator asked all of the animals to watch and stay awake for seven nights.  On the seventh day, only the owl and the panther were still awake and because they did not succumb to sleep, they were given the power to see in the dark."

They have many partnerships.  These partnerships help these people adapt to their new environment.